By Brian Weisgerber:
That was a fun course. It wasn't the
same without the rest of Flying Dog there.
It was hot yesterday. Lynne completed
the race after her heat exhaustion last year. She was very pleased. Jay and
Harbin were pretty beat after the first lap, they rested and got back out there
for the 2nd. I believe Ian came in 10th. Not sure where Di fell in the lineup.
She beat Jay pretty badly though. ;) I managed 5th place despite finishing a
little under a minute MORE than last year. The competition last year must have
been much more intense.
Great Job, GO FLYING DOG GO!!!
Ian Starr
Dianna Juliano
Lynne Collard
Brad Walker
Chris Harbin
Brian Weisgerber
Brian Weisgerber – 5th in Sport Male 35+ - 1:44
Chris Harbin – 19th in Sport Male 35+ - 3:13
Jay Aument – 19th in Sport Male 35+ - 3:13 Hrs
Ian Starr – 10th in Sport Male 40+ - 1:51 Hrs
Diana Juliano – 7th in Sport Female – 2 Hrs
Lynne Collard – 13th in Sport Female – 2:11 Hrs
Denny’s Passeto – 1st in Clydesdale – 1:39 Hrs
Brad Walker – DNF in Clydesdale